Unlock your natural Shaman Healing Power Within to heal your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain, suffering & trauma. By accepting, releasing and letting go, we can Walk in Balance. Being in a safe space and breathing a Natural Breath pattern you can activate your natural prana life force energy to heal, learn, and grow from the inside out, shifting from FEAR to LOVE...
The Shamanic Breath Journey Ceremony begins by establishing safe and sacred space through smudging while offering prayerful invocations and playing the heart beat of a drum. Individuals lie down comfortably on the floor with blankets, pillows and eye mask if preferred and focus on surrendering and connecting to their Shaman Within, calling upon that which is most sacred and holy to them, such as spirit guides, power animals, and higher powers.
As the music begins, journeyers are invited to connect with rhythmic breathing and a chakra-attuned musical journey for about 1 hour. As the individual uses the power of deep connected breathing to create a natural altered state, the Ego/Shadow defenses are released and the journey unfolds in a variety of magical ways.
Each person’s Shamanic BreathWork journey is a highly individual process and no two are ever the same.
One's nervous system can at times feel overloaded with life experiences and repeat patterns from the past into the future. This can create challenges for our nervous system to release and let go what no longer serves us. This may cause one to experience increased stress, hormone imbalance, addictions, discomfort and pain physically, emotionally and mentally. Through Shamanic BreathWork one can breathe awareness into their inner Shaman activating the natural prana life force energy at a cellular level safely to release what no longer serves you.
Some common experiences and results …
RELEASE - anxiety, worry, fear, tension, stress, frustration, anger, addictions & suppressed emotional issues.
REBIRTHING - new beginnings, new opportunities
INITIATE - forgiveness & acceptance at a deeper level for self and others.
EVOKE - inner vitality, passion, aliveness, and total self-love.
MERGE - Body, Mind & Spirit, open up, and connect to your Inner Shaman & fullest potential self.
RECEIVE - crystalline clarity of vision and creative inspiration for your Life's Journey.
RELAX - in a calm, deep peaceful, blissful state.
Thank you for your interest in Shamanic BreathWork Journey's, It will be my pleasure and honour to hold safe space for you through your Journey 🦋
With Love, Light, & Gratitude
Jackquline Ann
Private Group, individual, family and couple sessions are available, please contact Jackquline Ann to schedule.